About Us

Double Golden Dragon is an online retailer providing competitive prices on the martial arts lifestyle products, a scholarly aspect, or The Way of life. We aim to provide a memorable experience when you shop on our online store by offering quality products with exceptional customer service.

We are based in San Diego, California.

We have been selling products for over 30 years from Brick-and-Mortar establishments and now we are online. We have managed to build up a reputation for exceptional quality products as well as unique ones with exceptional customer service. We have a great team and aim to grow our business, offering the best prices, most unique and quality products available. We decided to expand out looking for products to make peoples lives better and easier making the world a better place along the way. were constantly asked, how and where and more, as we have custom items all the time in our schools, and many item you see out there were results of our collaborations with many producers and procurers. As such, we will bring you what we use and have, and custom products too.

If you have any questions about our products or would like to check the availability of an item, please use the Contact Us page to get in touch with us.

If you have any questions or just wish to chat, you an always send us an email at support@DoubleGoldendragon.com

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Double Golden Dragon